So I am sitting in Atlanta airport getting ready to catch my connecting flight to Louisiana. Not to my surprise, there is very little coverage about the rally tomorrow, as well as the tragedy that is happening to these 6 young men in Jena. Imagine having a fight while in high school and being convicted of attempted murder as an adult. But guess what is all over the news. That’s right, OJ Simpson. They love to talk about some OJ, so lets talk about him. First of all he’s an idiot, but that’s another story.
Over 13 years ago some would say OJ got away with murder. I personally believe we allowed the important message to be overshadowed by the race issue. I hate that any person of any color would be murdered. That in itself is very sad, but my personal opinion on whether OJ did it or not doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. What the Simpson trial exposed was how many people of color (all colors) are in jail for things they did not do. It is pretty safe to say that if the cops didn’t mess with the evidence, OJ would’ve probably gone to jail. But his all-star lineup of lawyers were able to pick these crooked cops apart. Think about how many people couldn’t afford the proper defense to expose the truth. Look how many verdicts have been overturned by DNA evidence, after people have spent half their lives in jail for a crime they didn’t commit. And you want to cry FOUL on OJ? Yeah no one should get away with murder, but no one should go to jail for something they didn’t do. If you want to solve a murder, drain the rivers and lakes throughout America and count how many lynched African Americans rest at the bottom. Lets solve those crimes. And while you’re at it take a look at Jena, Louisiana where 6 African American KIDS are facing adult charges of attempted murder. White kids performed the same act and they got probation. There is a big gap between probation and attempted murder. But if you ask the prosecutor in Jena, there’s a big gap between white and black. Say a prayer everybody. Say a pray for Michael Baisden, Al Sharpton, and the other leaders who are stepping up to the plate to lead the masses against this. And remember, you maybe comfortable and at peace where you are, but other parts of the world, even in America are still the closest thing to Hell on earth.