Thursday, July 2, 2009

Official Album Cover MUSIC FAN FIRST AUG 25TH


  1. This is hot ER!!! Never would have imagined it! But this cover definitely captures the title MusicFanFirst. Great graphics....check you out just sitting back chillin, with your vinyls, etc...Good look! I'm excited for the album and to see if you put the pic I sent in on the inside of the booklet! LOL.... ~Cam

  2. inded very tight! from an artistic standpoint and a consumer. Im tryna peep what that vinyl is to your right... hmm...

  3. Me likey...even the lemon lime

  4. Ahhhh! Can't wait!!!! Love u Erro, man... This made my day :)

  5. Bloody Awesome.
    That really is a beautiful cover...
    Can't wait to hear the music to go along with it, much like the rest of your fans down here in Australia!!

  6. Loving this cover! Can't wait for the album. Gonna see you in in October when you come to London!!

  7. Look at aall that swagger on that cover !!!! Lol !!
    You are too much ! Loving the out fit and I peeped the color from the album cover to your kicks and shirt !! Lol !! You better work it !!

    Love ya
    Renee aka nayna
    From jersery

  8. I was just saying how they don't make album covers like they used to but I stand to be corrected!!! I'll let you make me out to be a liar anyday Erro! LOL!!! =D CAN'T WAIT FOR AUGUST 25!!!

  9. Love it and your music! Looking forward to the new album!

  10. I hope to see butterfly some place on your album!! on in a song......hahahahaha

  11. Sick if the music sounds as good as the cover looks then its classic Roberson!

  12. Can't wait for the album. My wife and I really enjoyed you in Dallas last summer! Keep making real music.

  13. I'm a new fan of yours...stumpled across you on youtube by accident when you were on the Michael Baisden late night show, singing Pretty Girl. I fell in love then, then I started cyber stalking ALL of your videos LOL. Didn't even know you were coming out with a new album and so SOON too!!! Keep making beautiful music! Blessings ~ Ticora
